Louisville Paraquat Lawsuit Attorney
Leading the Charge for Victims Rights in Kentucky
Paraquat is an herbicide which has been widely used throughout the United States for decades. It has mainly been used in farm and agricultural settings. Workers with long-term exposure to Paraquat allege to have an increased risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. Research has focused on the perceived link between Paraquat and Parkinson’s disease. Newer studies appear to indicate a direct connection between exposure to Paraquat and a Parkinson’s diagnosis. Paraquat has been in use since 1961, and it’s the primary ingredient of the industrial-strength herbicide Gramoxone. Paraquat is considered a particularly effective means of weed control, which has made it difficult to push the product away from the market. If you or someone you love was exposed to Paraquat and have since developed Parkinson’s disease, you may be entitled to compensation for damages. Brett H. Oppenheimer, PLLC, is available to meet with victims to review the details of your case.
Call Brett H. Oppenheimer, PLLC in Louisville to discuss your potential Paraquat claim at (502) 242-8877.
Do You Qualify for a Paraquat Claim or Lawsuit?
If you aren’t sure if you qualify to make a Paraquat claim or file a Paraquat lawsuit, an attorney can review the details of your case to determine if you meet the criteria. Proving a Paraquat lawsuit can be challenging, so it’s essential to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in the requirements and burden of proof needed to pursue damages in your case. Exposure and injury can happen in many ways, and the injured parties in these cases have varied. Paraquat drift and overspray have contributed to greater exposure to this toxic weed killer. To meet the criteria to file a Paraquat lawsuit, victims need to meet a combination of exposure and injury.
Paraquat entered your system through EXPOSURE from:
- Handled Paraquat by working as a mixer, loader, or applicator of the herbicide or was exposed through another means of licensed use.
- Exposed to Paraquat from contaminated groundwater, farm overspray, or Paraquat drift, which happens the dangerous herbicide uses air to travel to untreated areas. Drift happens most commonly when the weed killer is used at farms or industrial spaces near schools, other farms, and homes.
Paraquat INJURED you or a loved one because you’ve:
- Developed Parkinson’s disease.
Paraquat exposure is commonly seen in the following groups:
- Farmer and farm laborers
- Herbicide applicators, including backpack sprayers, handheld applicators, machine applicators, and piloted applicators
- Children at rural schools near farms using Paraquat
- Home and business owners with property near a farm using Paraquat
Because Paraquat is not banned in the United States, it’s important to understand how its status impacts qualification to file a lawsuit for damages related to exposure. Herbicides containing Paraquat are not readily available for purchase without a specialty applicator license gained through training. The license requires applicators to use the herbicide in a manner that follows EPA guidelines. Because the product is controlled and labeled as a danger, it can be challenging to file a lawsuit against the manufacturers of the toxic weed killer without records, receipts, witnesses, and other forms of evidence that can help frame your case.
Contact a Louisville Attorney Ready to Consider Your Paraquat Claim and Fight for You
Exposure and injury are the main criteria to qualify for a Paraquat claim and/or lawsuit. If you or a loved one meet this benchmark, contact the offices of Brett H. Oppenheimer, PLLC. Many people exposed to Paraquat have suffered greatly, and our law firm is committed to fighting on behalf of victims. Developing a severe degenerative brain disease like Parkinson’s will have lifelong implications and limitations for victims and their families. You may be unable to work or care for yourself, or your injured loved one may need long-term care.
If you or someone you love has been harmed from exposure to Paraquat, contact our Louisville Paraquat lawsuit attorney at Brett H. Oppenheimer, PLLC. Call us at (502) 242-8877 to schedule a consultation today!
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